Title: Asymptotics for L-statistics with dependent data and applications to risk measurement Name: Hideatsu Tsukahara Abstract: For the class of distortion risk measures, a natural estimator has the form of L-statistics. We investigate the large sample properties of general L-statistics based on weakly dependent data and apply them to our estimator. Under certain regularity conditions, which are somewhat weaker than the ones found in the literature, we prove that the estimator is strongly consistent and asymptotically normal. Furthermore we give a consistent estimator for its asymptotic variance using spectral density estimators of a related stationary sequence. The behavior of the estimator is examined using simulation in a simple inverse-gamma autoregressive stochastic volatility model. It is found both theoretically and by simulation study that the estimator always suffers a negative bias. We will discuss bias correction methods in the i.i.d. case and the possibility of their extension to the dependent case. Also, we indicate how the asymtotics for our estimator can be extended to the estimator for law invariant risk measures, which is obtained by droppping comonotonic additivity requirement. Some related statistical issues may be discussed if time allows.